How to Reset Your Goals for Spring

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Whoo! It’s finally spring, which means flowers, colorful nail polish and fresh starts. Even though I wrote goals at the beginning of the year, I always like to go back and reevaluate what I accomplished and what still makes sense and what doesn’t. Think of it as spring cleaning but for your life goals. Circumstances change all the time, so reviewing your January goals at the start of spring is a great way to see how far you’ve come, but also, list out what you have to look forward to for the rest of the year. I typically review every quarter.

Here are simple steps to get organized again for springtime:

Celebrate your winter wins.

Pat yourself on the back and celebrate your wins. Even if they were teeny tiny goals, be sure to give yourself credit for getting shit done. This can be difficult if you’re seeing all the unchecked stuff, but try to set that aside and appreciate the things you accomplished. This is so important especially during the pandemic when getting out of bed could be considered a win. 

Review your January goals.

Take a look at what’s left over and reflect on why those things didn’t get done. Are they just not relevant anymore? Are they too large and overwhelming? Could you break them down into smaller tasks? Be honest with yourself. If something didn’t get done, it means you didn’t prioritize it for a reason. Take some time to go over each item that was left undone and decide whether you need to carry it over to the next quarter or just eliminate altogether. Think of it as spring cleaning for your goals, and follow your gut on what feels right for the next three months of the year. 

Focus on fresh goals that will motivate you.

If your winter goals don’t excite you at all, just put them aside. Spring typically re-energizes people and pushes them to want to pursue new things or motivates them to try something new. Follow your gut on this. It’s ok to close a chapter and open up a new one. 

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

That being said, don’t go nuts where you end up more overwhelmed than motivated. Stick to one big goal and break it down into smaller goals. That way at the end of spring, you can look back and see your progress and possibly have everything crossed off your list. You want to set yourself up for success not total definite failure. Adding too many goals will get you the latter. 

Include a bit of self-care.

Don’t forget to turn inward and focus on yourself, too. Burnout is so easy to achieve, so make sure to carve out time each day to unwind and create a goal of checking that off on a daily basis. 

What are some things you guys do to reset each season? Share your ideas below!

Sally Espinosa

Follow Sally on IG!


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